Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving Break with Jackson

My sister Elise taught me how to make her burlap wreaths so I could teach our Relief Society.  I gave them a bunch of options of wreaths I make but they picked Elise's so I made a bunch before teaching.  Elise started making her wreaths before pinterest was around so it's been fun to see others that look similar.
I was a little nervous because I had so many women in my class and I had never taught anyone how to make them but somehow everyone's turned out okay.  It was a lot of fun to see everyone's version of what they interpreted. 
My friend Heather took some pictures for me of the night.

We went out to dinner at a local BBQ place that we have wanted to go since we moved to South Pas.  It's called Gus' BBQ and it was so good! 

We also finally visited the LA temple around six months after we were married there. 
It was so good to be back there.

We got some sushi at our favorite sushi place we went to all the time while dating in Marina Del Rey, Irori.  Its fun to sit inside the ground, take off your shoes and have all japanese workers.

We put up our Christmas tree near the end of November, only because Jackson was coming and I wanted him to feel the Christmas love at our place. Oh and yes, I really already had gifts.  I love giving gifts, I'm not the best at it, but I try to put a ton of thought in them.

We started to drive to San Clemente and Jackson opened up the Thanksgiving package from his Gramma Nielsen. He loves all the holiday cards and packages she sends him.

Jackson got to play out in the great culd-e-sac with his BFF and his brothers.

Brady came out to hang out with us and drew the picture I took of them on the gravel. 
They thought that was pretty dang cool.

When we got back, the Elf came off the shelf.  Jackson loves to look at the Elf and seeing his cute face of wonderment and questions like ... he must get cold traveling back to Santa's workshop every night not wearing a coat.  He hoped the Elf would end up in his backpack so he could show the Elf Disneyland. Christmas is so much more fun with a kid.  

It was a mommy-Jack date around the best time at Disneyland. He was so filled with excitement for what the day was going to hold for us.

We did some things we have never tried at Disneyland, like the steamboat.

And Davey Crockett's Canoes... let me tell ya, that was a lot of rowing.  The guy in front of me was sweating up a storm and it was windy, so you can guess how this went down

Since Jackson's third word was "Vroom Vroom" he still fancies his cars.
We love the Cars Land and have to do all the rides, attractions there.

After we got pizza at his favorite place outside of Disneyland because the pieces are so big.
Believe it or not, we went back to Disneyland the next day, but this time met up with his friend Axel.  We wanted to use our passes as much as we could while Brady was working and we had Thanksgiving break together.

Axel's family all have passes and this kid knew more about Disneyland than anyone I have ever met.  
These two were in First Grade together and still remain such good friends.

The Bear Country playground area is where these two wanted to play for hours.  They loved it.  They played and played to the point where they would run to me out of breath and do it all over again. Then they wanted to go on the Big Water Rapids, and since it wasn't warm outside, there was no line.  They went on it over and over 6 times together while I sat out to watch them.

We had to say goodbye to Jackson for him to go back to his dad's for Thanksgiving.

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