Brady has Oral Surgery Conferences he needs to go to every year around the United States so this year luckily it was in Hawaii! We were really looking forward to this trip for obvious reasons but also since Brady has been so busy lately, I was even more excited to have one on one time with him. He has to present at the conference so there has been so much studying and writing on his part. I wish I could take some of the stress off his shoulders since he is in residency most of the waking hours, coming home with so much to work on, but he keeps reminding me this is a short amount of time compared to how it will always be.
The night before we left, we tried to finish the banner for Jackson's soccer team. The Banner mom sent me an image she found and put our team name over the logo. I was so sick, I could hardly move, so Brady was so sweet and spent hours drawing this onto the fabric. I just hung out on my side next to him, while he worked until 2am. Jackson is so lucky to have a step-dad like Brady.
The next day we made our flight at LAX to Hawaii. The whole flight I was so sick, wanting to throw up but didn't, felt like my stomach was hating me. I probably drank 4 ginger ale sodas that night. We got onto the island, rented a car and then Brady drove us to the condo we were staying at in Turtle Bay. I was so so so so sick. I thought this trip will very interesting.
We woke up and I felt like a million bucks. I mean still sensitive to smells and food, but I could stand up straight, I wasn't feeling too pregnant which had me worried. I wanted to see a doctor to make sure everything was okay so we made an appointment for a couple days from then. We walked around the area we were staying. It was such a pretty place. We took naps, loved our three bedroom (way too big for two of us) place. The bathtub was unreal. It was so deep it could fit a whole family inside. We later got in our tiny mini-van-like car and drove north. We went to a very populated beach with lots of people from Japan there. There was this lady taking out her stuffies and taking pictures of them on the sand. I couldn't help but stare.... like really? I could maybe see Jackson doing this but this lady was 40-50. There were also tons of couples taking pictures of themselves, especially sexy pictures with floating donuts so of course I was cracking up. I told Brady to take some pictures of me sugar-donuting --- which is were you dip in the water, then roll around the sand like it's sugar and then do it all over again. I would post the pictures but let's just say they weren't too flattering... not that I planned them to be but I'm saying, beached whale meets sugar donut. We stayed for a while until we drove back to the North shore, where we got tacos to go and I talked Brady into getting a smoothie inside of a large pineapple. It's the little things ya know, that just make memories. We loved the place we were staying and loved not feeling so sick.
The next day we woke up earlier than before and drove a few miles south for some North Shore beach action. We went to the same beach his family took me after we had only been dating for six months and we first said "I love you" It was relaxing being the only people on the beach. I wanted to go in the water so badly, but the current was crazy that day. The waves would come a little bit closer to us, but we didn't think it would come up the sand lip... until a big wave just took out all of our things including Brady's nice camera, umbrella, chairs, towels, my purse, book I was reading, clothes we were wearing.... It was crazy! It made everything weigh loads more which made it almost impossible for me to help Brady try to grab everything and bring it back to the car since I wasn't suppose to pick up anything 10 pounds or heavier. We went back to our condo to clean up, take a nap and swim at our pool. Once it was time for dinner, we went into downtown North Shore for food and watched Pipeline's sunset and surfers.
Day four of Hawaii we drove through the Dole Plantation, got some food, then went into Honolulu for my doctors appointment. The babies looked really good - nothing alarming. Their heartbeats were exactly the same. The doctor there was amazing, he sat and talked to us for a while, gave me an ultrasound and comforted me that all was well. He said I probably wasn't so sick because I'm at the beach and relaxed. We left the appointment so happy and on cloud nine. We even picked up two onesies for the twins. They were hand painted and overly priced but worth it. I wanted our babes to have a souvenir since technically this was their first trip to Hawaii. We went back to our hotel, got lunch and walked out to the break right by Turtle Bay because it was going off. The waves were so fun to watch and so many surfers were out. Later we went out to a break similar to Doheny and Brady rented a long board. He surfed for hours while I watched him on the rocks. I wanted to go out there but once again, had to be cautious. Healthy babies are worth sacrificing some fun in the water. We went to dinner at a place in our hotel that was really good.
Day five we picked up my sister from BYU Hawaii from class, then we grabbed lunch at Seven Brothers. We then went to the beach called Churches which has a fun break. I took lots of pictures of Brady and Bree surfing but they are all on his nice camera, dang it. We got to faceTime with Jackers and it made my day. I wished so badly he could see Hawaii with us.
We drove into Honolulu to check into our hotel there. I do have to say, it was like San Diego mixed with LA, so for me Honolulu wasn't Hawaii to me. We got this crappy hotel room that was next to construction, old furnishing and stuff like that. Maybe after working at nice hotels most of my working life and having the ability to stay at these 5-6 star hotels, I have been spoiled but this hotel really was like a motel but with a Hilton name. Brady called to change our rooms or we threatened to stay at a nicer hotel where his residency buddies were staying. They brought us to another room that had two beds, which wasn't ideal but we stayed. That night we had dinner at Benihanas and it was GOOD! Its my favorite kind of food... and it was Brady's first time eating at a place like this. We sat next to two ladies from Australia that we talked up a good conversation with (really me talking to them) and then the other couple next to them were Oral Surgeons visiting from the south. Of course I walked over and sat talking to them. They were the cutest elderly couple with the best southern accents. I was one sentence away asking them if they had a porch that wrapped around their house.
Brady stayed up so late preparing more of his presentation because one of the doctors wanted to re-do certain parts of it. I felt bad for him not getting to sleep much.
Brady went to the conference early to go to early morning classes and I slept in until 8am, then took the wrong bus to a woman's lunch! haha! All these wives of Oral Surgeons went to this fancy club to meet their husbands and I got off the bus thinking, this looks too nice for a conference center. I walked my booty to a local hotel to find a cab and took a cab to the conference center which ended up being so close to our hotel. I met Brady in the display area where we had lunch together with his residency friends. After lunch we walked up to his room that he was going to present at. Brady went over it a few times with me and then we walked into the freezing cold room. It was packed.... so packed that people were sitting on the floor on the aisle, all over the sides and people were standing even outside poking their heads up to see. It was incredible to see how many people were there. Brady went up to do his presentation and knocked it out of the park. He did such a good job. By this time, I started to actually understand the terms of the surgery he went over. People were talking pictures of him, gave him a standing ovation... it was incredible. At the end, all the doctors were presented went to the front and people asked questions. I felt so proud of Brady walking out of the room with Brady next to me thinking -- he is something special, real special. People after that presentation recognized him, would shake his hand and people were talking about him working with them in their offices once he was finished. Brady is truly a humble man so every time he received compliments, he took them as a champ. Such a great example to me.
We went to another class and then got on the same bus to go back to our hotel. We got ready for the night, to go to dinner with all the USC alumni for Oral Surgery at Ruth's Chris. It was so not fun to ask the waiters to adjust my meal to make it meet all my food restrictions but when they came out with this crab martini, it made the meal. It was so so good! The night was fun talking with so many friends. We went back to our hotel and fell asleep so fast.
The next day we relaxed, went to lunch on the beach, played in the water, dug a hole for my belly so I could lay on my stomach and enjoyed the day. We grabbed dinner to go at Cheesecake Factory and relaxed after watching the fireworks.
On our second to last day, we drove back to the North Shore to relax, eat lunch and drive around the entire island. Brady took way more pictures on his camera. That night he had a dinner again with his friends from residency but I decided to stay home because they were eating Vietnamese. I got my nails done and grabbed pei wei instead.
On our last hours in Hawaii, Brady went into the conference again for a few classes and then we had breakfast at our hotel... it was so good. The chef made me special gluten free, dairy free pancakes with the best Coconut syrup. We were sad to leave but it was time to go. 

I think we plan to visit Hawaii at least once a year. This place just resets you. We loved it!
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