Sunday, December 28, 2014

Jackson's Christmas Break

Guess who got my laptop fixed?  I guess 2009 Macbooks need to be charged all the time with a charger that actually works. Who knew? 

I feel like I'm back to recording life on here again the way it should be.  Blogging on an ipad makes me feel like a hunter and pecker all over again.  

Here's the low-down from having Jackers here a few days after Christmas....

It was so nice to pick him up from the airport as usual, especially since I had so much to surprise him with.  As hard as it is to share him on every other Christmas, it still felt like Christmas all over with him.  Christmas with kids really is the best so it sort of felt like we got two, with all the attention on Jackson.  We came home and waited for Brady to get home from work, then opened up his Christmas gifts.  I went a little overboard on the Disney stuff, but I figured it's the last year he will want all of that kind of stuff before he's too old for it all.  Santa got him heelies which he was stoked about.  

We went down to my parent's house to celebrate with the Lundquist cousins, and it was a good time.  We tried to take pictures with all the cousins, but they just don't want to sit still.  Jackson opened up his gifts from everyone with lots of help.  This year we had the cousins open their gifts from us so Jackson wasn't alone.  Lastly, we had my dad open his gift which was a nerf gun, having everyone open their nerf guns so we had a nerf gun fight that lasted almost two hours!  It was pretty funny and painful but mostly funny.  My mom took all of the nerf gun pictures below.  After we went to the illuminocean down at the dana point harbor where the lights were planted for a two mile walk along the harbor.  

Brady's parents and Marlee surprised us and drove down for New Years Eve so we went with them to Disneyland for the day.  My doctor put me on a stricter bedrest the day before because of some extra fluid around our baby's heart so I was wheelchair bound all day at the happiest place on earth!  It was interesting, exhausting and made me realize how many obese people make themselves handicap.  Jackson kept wanting to sit on my lap and was tired, but we stayed pretty late, having him ride on all the "scary rides" until dark with people that could do them with him. We ate at Cheesecake Factory and then drove down to San Clemente for Mitch and Linds' annual NYE Olympics where we played games against other couples.  We were America again and since I'm on bed rest, we didn't do as well as last year but it was still fun.  We had so many kids there that we were able to do their own little Olympics against each other.  We had a dance party once it stroke 12 until 1am.  We drove home, exhausted!

Everyone else woke up early and walked to the Rose Bowl Parade while I stayed in bed, asleep all the way until they got home around 10:30am! I was so glad I stayed in bed since I was so tired.  We went to Gus' BBQ for lunch and Jackson fell asleep!  He was so tired.  I was glad he took a nap twice that day because of his lack of sleep.  We drove over to Hollywood to see Into the Woods at the El Capitan Theatre.  The movie was not good at all, so weird, but then again we didn't see the play.  We were bummed that we saw it.  We got dinner and watched football, took naps when we came back.