Friday, January 30, 2015

Sacramento Confirmation

Brady is the best.
He took the entire day off on Friday so we were able to leave in the morning to be able to pick up Jackson from school.  We were so excited to be there, right on time!  
(he scooted the seat close to the wheel, only for a minute)

When we picked him up, he wanted me to see his teachers so we walked back. to his classrooms.  His current teacher gave me a big hug and we talked for a while. Three girls from his class tapped me on the shoulder and I turn around to see their cute faces looking up to me.  They said, "You are so beautiful Jackson's mommy.  We think you look just like Saige who is an american doll!"  SO sweet of them.  Made my day.  Jackson wanted me to say hi to his teacher from last year and she asked how "Smooshy" was since Jackson told them our nickname for the babe is Smoosh :)  So Cute.  

We went to this arcade/buffet that Jackson really wanted to go to that had the grossest food possible but Jackson was in heaven.  I wish I didn't have such a hard time with overly processed foods but I know it's for the better.  We played for hours and hours.

We came home and his hacking cough progressively got worse.  We were up with Jackson all night with his cough, scratching his back, cleaning up throw-up... etc.  I don't think we had more than 4 hours of sleep, if we are being generous.  It wasn't hard getting up in the morning though because we were so happy to see him play basketball at his game.  It was cute to see him play but he is still this sweet, sensitive, non-aggressive boy like he was when he played basketball when he lived with me.
We came home and took naps, Brady and Jackson played basketball in the backyard and we watched a movie together.  It was nice and relaxing. 

From this view we saw them building tons of houses below for cheap, so we asked Jackson if we were to buy one of those houses, if he would like it.  His immediate response was, "no way! then we won't live by the beach and there is nothing to do here.  you can't move here.  I would be so sad if I didn't see my mimi, and uncle blake and charlee..."

We drove up to Sacramento to meet our friends for "the best hamburger in Sac" so we ate there and then we went to our friend's house for jacuzzi and movie night.  They have kids that are Jackson's age.  We came back and relaxed, went to bed.

In the morning we got packed up, had breakfast, grabbed lunch and headed to church.  Jackson was confirmed during sacrament.  We said our goodbyes, and then drove home.

On the drive home, Brady stopped to take pictures of cows for my mom to paint and then snapped one really quick of me at 30 weeks.  Can't believe we have 10 more weeks but if I play my cards right, I think she will come early like Jackson.  He was a healthy 8 pounds at 37 weeks.  I'm feeling like the cows that were out in the field with my back hurting all the time, heartburn and baby laying real nice on my bladder.  Brady always tells me I'm beautiful and that means the most to me.  I can't see what he sees but he really makes me feel like a million bucks when he tells me how much he loves me pregnant.  Never received that compliment, so I love him even more - as if that was possible!

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