Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sum- Sum - Summatime

Jackson came back home! It was such a long amount of time it felt like for him to be gone.  We picked him up at the airport in Orange County and he was ready to party.  I saved him a few See's suckers from Brady's birthday party and the LA sunglasses from it as well.

We drove down to San Clemente to have some fun!

Ryan and Jackson ate Brady's party's leftovers - they were twizzlers that looked like french fries. They played for hours and swam.

Then, we took Jackson to In-n-Out because he told us he was ready for his first hamburger.  He has had meatballs in pasta, but never a hamburger.  He was a little nervous but then ended up loving it!

We drove home and brought out the air hockey table so the guys could play.
The next day we did some new school shopping since he was to start school in the beginning of August already.  I am not much of a shopper, and neither is Jackson so we made it brief.  He wanted to show me some things he wanted from the Disney store.
We came back to swim together!
Then the next day we spent it at Disneyland all by ourselves!

We went on the swings, the Goofy ride and played at the arcade.  He actually won the pitching game that was really hard and impressed the guy that worked there. 

The next day we had Griffin and his sister over to hang out and go to the Farmer's Market.  We took them swimming and dinner.  It was a little rowdy but we managed :)

They came over again the next day and Brady stayed home with them while I ran over to my friend Kylee's bridal shower.  It was fun to celebrate her and Dave! 
That night we went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner, then to this new shaved ice place and then played at Dave and Busters for the night.  It was a fun family night together.

The next week we planned a day down south with his friend Axel at the sky high place.  They played for a long time, as we were trying to feed the boys, they didn't want to stop playing.  After we drove to San Clemente to see Bree's little black bunny and his best buddies.

Jackson told me he really wanted the burrito place so I drove over to Wahoo's thinking that was the place he was thinking but then he told me while we were there it was Pedros!  haha 

I had a YW activity that I brought Jackson to for an hour because it was swimming and his friend Jack would be there as well.  He had a lot of fun in their pool.
The next day we went to this Dinosaur exhibit where there was all of these inflatable dinos and things like that.  We did the face painting, golfed, he did the mazes trying to hide from me by covering his face (haha!!) and much more.  It turned out to be not as cheesy as we thought it would have been and he had a good time.  We got ice cream after.

We went to Disneyland and knew it was going to be a hot day.  So we dressed for the warmth and also to get wet on the ride since last time we got drenched.  It was a fun afternoon to play but near the end we were so tired and ready to go home!  Love my days with Jackers at Disneyland!

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